1. Overview
  2. Courses and Challenges
  3. How To Add Lessons to Course Modules

How To Add Lessons to Course Modules

In this module, you'll be able to customise:

  • Course Title

  • Short Description

  • Description area with the following functions:

  1. Change font size
  2. Select font format
  3. Add images, video and audio files
  4. View backend code
  5. Select full-screen mode 
  6. Preview your work
  7. Print
  8. Change text height
  9. Embed links
Our demo screens might look a bit different from the latest screens, as we're constantly updating for a better experience. New demos will be available soon!

Use our demo below to navigate the steps.

To expand the screen, please click on the (small) black circle icon to the right of the DEMO

 The Process 

1. Go to "Courses" from your dashboard, then click the course image or title.

2. Select 'Create' then choose 'Lesson'.

3. On your next screen, select a module and click 'Next'. 


4. Add your lesson details. Here's the information you'll need: 

Lesson Title

Max 150 characters

State the objective of your lesson (maximum 150 characters). 


Provide a detailed description in the 'Content Description' field. You may include images, videos, or audio to enrich the learning experience.

Lesson File

Upload your lesson under 'Lesson File'. This can be an image, a video, or an audio file. 

Attach New Resource(s) 

Add supplementary resources, such as a PDF file, video, audio, Word doc or Excel file.

 Schedule date 

Select the date when the lesson will become available to learners.


Member-Level Access 

Activate the toggle button next to 'Member Access Level'.


5. Review your content for accuracy. Once you're satisfied, click 'Create Lesson' to save your information.

Note: You'll see a confirmation message once everything is saved.


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