1. Overview
  2. Courses and Challenges
  3. How to Sell Individual Courses

How to Sell Individual Courses

Use our demo below to navigate the steps.

To expand the screen, please click on the (small) black circle icon to the right of the DEMO



1: Choose the Course You Want to Sell Individually

  • Go to your dashboard and select 'Courses' from the menu. Then, click the pencil icon in the top-right corner to edit.

2. Activate the 'Accept Individual Payments

  • Scroll down to the ‘Accept Individual Payments’ section, toggle the radio button, and enter your course price. 

3. Show Course on Sales Page

  • Activate the ‘Show on Sales Page’ radio button.

  • Click ‘Update’ to save your changes.

4. Copy Your Sales Page link

  • Select 'Dashboard' from your side bar menu and grab the link under 'Your Sales Page.'

5. Access and Share Your Sales Link

  • Open your sales page in a new tab. You may share this link with your audience so they can directly buy your course from this page.

6. Send Your Audience Directly to Your Course Checkout Page

To send your audience directly to the checkout page, follow these steps:

  • Click 'Purchase' to access the checkout page.

  • Grab your checkout link/URL. You may embed it in your website and emails, or share it across social media.

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