1. Overview
  2. Set up Your Membership Business
  3. How to Create Your Test Account (Your own member's account)

How to Create Your Test Account (Your own member's account)

 Here’s how to create a test account so you can view your work before sharing it with your members.

The Process:

1. Log in to Your Account

Go to https://partner.wisdome.site and log in.

2. Verify that you have created an “Admin” Membership Level Access.

Ensure you have created an “Admin” access level. If not, please see our guide on “How to Create Your Membership Access Level."

3. Create Your Admin Account

In the “Members” tab, add your admin details:

Click “Members” on the upper left-hand side of your dashboard.

Click “+Add Member.”

4. Confirm your email address

5. Add the following details of your member: 

  • First Name

  • Last Name 

  • Email (use a different email from your business or partner email)

  • Mobile Number - Not required

  • Package (Select Monthly or Annual subscription)

  • Subscription Type (Select “Admin” from the drop-down menu.)

  • Birth Date - Not required

  • Join Date

  • Location (enter your address or the name of your country. 

6. Click “Save.”


  • To avoid confusion, we suggest you use a different email from your business or partner email. 

  • You may use your own name or a made-up name when creating your admin account. 




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