How to Delete a Course

Use this guide whenever you wish to delete a course.

Note: Courses with lessons can't be deleted directly. Please delete all lessons within the course or module first.


1. Log in to: Go to your dashboard and choose the course you want to delete.

2. Open the module containing the course lessons.

3. Hover over the 'Delete' icon on the right side of the lesson. 

4. Click 'Delete' to confirm.

5.  You'll see a confirmation message once your lesson is deleted.

6. Delete Your Course Module

The next step is to delete your course module. Click 'Return to Modules' then click the delete icon at the upper right corner of your module. 

6Click 'Delete' to confirm your request.

7. Once done, you'll also see a confirmation message, 'Module Deleted Successfully'.

8. Click 'Return to Courses'.

9. Click the delete icon at the upper right corner of your course folder.

9. Click 'Delete'.

10. You'll see a confirmation message 'Course Deleted Successfully' once your course is successfully deleted.

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