How To Create Challenges
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Challenges offer shorter, manageable goals that keep your audience engaged. It's a great way to help members learn and develop new skills.
Create engaging challenges using the various features of Wisdome's Challenges module, which include:
Challenge Folder
Upload Challenge files (videos, PDF files, or Images).
Short description (you may add the goal of your challenge)
Challenge lesson
Lesson file
Additional resources file
Rich text editor with the following functionalities:
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Add images, video and audio files
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The Process:
1. Go to Challenges and click '+Create New' in the upper right corner.
2. Select Challenge.
3. Enter the following details:
Title (maximum 50 characters)
Short description (max 150 characters)
Description of the challenge (maximum 1500 characters)
Challenge folder image (500 X 500px)
Schedule date
- Expiry date
Member access level
4. Click Save.
Related Articles:
How to Add a Challenge Activity