1. Overview
  2. Courses and Challenges
  3. How to Pause Courses or Challenges

How to Pause Courses or Challenges

This guide provides instructions for pausing content in your hub. When content is paused, enrolled members can still access it, but it will not be visible to new members. This feature allows you to offer exclusive content to a select group within your community.

The types of content you can pause include:

  • Courses

  • Challenges

Steps to Pause Content 

  1. Access Your Course of Challenge Folder

  • Locate the course or challenge folder you want to pause.

  • Open the specific course or challenge and click the Edit icon at the top right corner.

  1. Enable the Pause Setting

  • On the edit screen, scroll down to the 'Pause' option.

  • Turn on the Pause radio button.

  1. Save Your Changes

  • Click Update to save the changes. 

The content is now paused. It will remain accessible to enrolled members but hidden from new members.

How to Turn Off ‘Paused’ Mode and Show Content to Your Audience


  1. Access the Paused Content

  2. Navigate to the paused course or challenge you wish to make available again.

  3. Click the Edit icon at the top right corner.

2. Disable the ‘Pause’ Setting

  • Scroll down to the 'Pause' option on the edit screen.

  • Turn off the Pause radio button. 

3. Save Your Changes

  • Click Update to save the changes.


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