1. Overview
  2. Social Wall
  3. How to Create Your Social Wall

How to Create Your Social Wall

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How to Create Your Social Wall

The Process:

Create meaningful connections with your community and drive more customers to your business. Social Wall helps you post updates, respond to feedback, and reach out to your members on a personal level. 

To create a social wall, you'll need the following information: 

  • Topic of discussion

  • Social Wall Group title

  • Group description field 

  • Social Wall cover image

  • Assign a membership level access

The Process:

1. Select 'Social Wall' on the lower left-hand side menu and click the + icon at the top left corner of your screen. 

2. Provide the following details:

  • Topic of Discussion

  • Title (Max 50 Characters )

  • Description (Max 250 Characters )

  • Cover image (Add any image that represents your discussion topic)

  • Membership Access Level or manually select the names of the people that you want to access your Social Wall.

  • You may also filter your audience (Specify the type of members you want to have access to this forum, e.g. free or paid members.)

3. Click 'Create'.


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