1. Overview
  2. Content Library
  3. How To Create a Content Library Sub folder

How To Create a Content Library Sub folder

Here’s a quick guide on how to create a Content Library Subfolder:

Use our demo below to navigate the steps.

To expand the screen, please click on the (small) black circle icon to the right of the DEMO

The Process:

  1. Log in to: https://partner.wisdome.site/login 

2. Select ‘Content Library Folder’ from the sidebar menu, then click ‘Create Sub Folder.’ 

3.  Add the following details:

  • Title (maximum 50 characters)

  • Subtitle (maximum 150 characters)

  • Cover image (1000 X 1000 px)

  • Schedule date

  • Expiry Date: Select this option to make content accessible only for a specified time.
  • Member Level Access

5. Click 'Save.'


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