How to Create a Course


Please refer to this guide to upload your course on Wisdome. The first step shows you how to create a course folder. Additional guides are linked at the end of this document to help you create your modules and upload lessons.

Wisdome Course Features:

Here's a summary of functionalities that will enable you to deliver engaging courses to your audience:

  1. Course module (Modules are sections within your courses, similar to chapters in a book.) 
  2. Course lessons 
  3. Upload lesson files such as videos, text files and images
  4. Attach additional resource files
  5. Rich text editor with the following functionalities: 
  • Change font size

  • Select font format

  • Add images, video and audio files

  • View backend code

  • Select full-screen mode 

  • Preview your work

  • Print

  • Change text height

  • Embed links

  • Embed HTML 

Please click on our demo link below to navigate the steps.

How to Create a Course 


The Process:

1. From your Dashboard, go to Courses and select ‘Create New' and select 'Course'.

2. Add the following information:

  • Course Title (50 characters max)

  • Short Description (Max of 150 characters)

  • Description (Max 1500 Characters)

  • Course cover image (must be 500 X500 px)

  • Schedule date   


4. Choosing a 'Member Level Access' 

Select 'Member Level Access' if you're offering this course through a membership model. 

5. Select 'Accept Individual Payments' if you wish to sell your course individually instead of offering it as part of a membership. 


You may activate the 'Pause' option if you don't want new people to see your course. Pausing a course means that existing learners enrolled in your course will still have access to it. 

*Activating the 'Hidden' option means your course will be hidden from everyone.

6. Click 'Save.'

Related Articles

How To Create Course Modules

How To Add Lessons to Course Modules

Setting Up Your Course Pricing on Wisdome

How to Drip-feed Content

How to Delete a Course Lesson








































































































































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